Deutsche Gesellschaft für zahnärztliche Prävention und Rehabilitation im Spitzensport e.V.
Sports dentistry is not just an exciting field of medicine, but also a discipline that is enjoying increasing professional interest. This is due to growing awareness of the importance of the oral cavity and its impact on performance.
Today, the mouth cavity is considered the most important means of access for pathogenic bacterial infections that impact negatively on performance, as well as for infections that spread systematically.
The systemic effect of periodontal ‘germs’ on the organism is a hot scientific topic in global medicine. Many disciplines are currently intensifying their medical research in this area.
Scientific publications in the fields of craniomandibular function, respiration optimization, the increasing frequency of erosive changes to dental enamel and, last but not least, facial trauma, are demanding greater professionalism of dentistry within sports.
Sports dentistry therefore entails the application of dental findings to the medical care of athletes. This can only be done on the basis of scientific evidence. In order to ensure this, DGzPRsport is encouraging scientific projects in the field of sports dentistry through scientific advisors and advisory boards in their respective fields of expertise and is currently in contact with other sports physicians and scientific institutions.
The society is made up of highly-qualified dental professionals, physicians and physiotherapists. By its very nature it is altruistic and not-for-profit.
The first German Professional Society for Sports Dentistry was founded in 2007 in Goettingen and is headquartered in Kassel. It coordinates specific support matters and organizes and certifies the further professional training of physicians, dentists and physiotherapists.
The work of DGzPRSport:
- Coordination and implementation of research projects
- Supporting sport, team, tournament and association physicians
- Germany-wide network to support elite athletes
- Interdisciplinary cooperation with medical societies
- Training and certification of sports dentistry professionals
- Definition of treatment guidelines
Our aim is to define scientific treatment guidelines for ongoing, sustainable increases in the performance of elite athletes. The reasoning behind this is that our dental care concept is underscored by measures that help to maintain, preserve and indeed promote health.
The focus of this lies on measures to prevent inflammation and structural prevention measures for the stomatognathic system, as well as improving the parameters relating to performance of the craniomandibular function complex, trauma prevention, and the avoidance of, and therapy for erosive diseases of the teeth
We see ourselves as a place for learning. We are motivated by and based around constant, advanced scientific development.
In recent years, six core competencies for DGzPRsport have emerged, through scientific sports projects. These are:
- Anti-inflammatory concepts in order to limit performance-reducing oral cavity inflammation sustainably.
- Concepts to prevent trauma, to reduce the risk of injury to the facial bones, teeth, and jaw.
- Concepts to improve breathing and ventilation, particularly when at rest, permitting better recovery.
- Concepts to improve craniomandibular function to prevent any negative impact on the musculoskeletal system.
- Anti-erosive, reconstructive concepts, that act against the mostly erosive influence of isotonic drinks in sports.
- Orthodontic concepts to ensure or improve the proper, optimum functioning of the craniomandibular system.
All of the above-mentioned core competencies are covered by working groups or by scientific advisory councils.
Our Code of Ethics is predicated on well established international guidelines, such as the Declaration of Helsinki. However, this cannot replace the Association’s rules, but can instead be referred to additionally in the case of doubt.
DGzPRsport also expects its members to adhere to the Code in their professional activity. The ability of a scientific society to regulate itself is crucial to maintaining public trust. Compliance with the Code is therefore of fundamental importance for the safeguarding of professional responsibility. Our commitment is to the ethical pursuit of knowledge.
We expect our members to support the implementation of the Code and motivate others to implement it themselves. Ethical violations cast doubt on the integrity of individuals and their institutions.
In particular, it is incumbent upon members of DGzPRsport to take adequate measures and to discourage, prevent, expose and correct any conduct that contradicts the Code of Ethics.
Members that violate the DGzPRsport Code of Ethics will face sanctions.
All members of DGzPRsport are expected to::
- Act with honor and in accordance with the highest standards of professional integrity
- Conduct work with objectivity
- Communicate in an honest and responsible manner
- Show consideration and respect for all individuals associated with the research process
- Cultivate an environment whereby differences in perspective, experience and culture are recognized and valued
- Maintain appropriate standards of accuracy, reliability, credit, candor and confidentiality in all research activities and in dealing with each other and with patients
- Use all resources prudently, taking into account appropriate laws and regulations
- Support other members in their activities, instead of impeding them
- Adhere to the anti-doping rules of NADA/WADA and declare this in writing.
The DGzPRsport Code of Ethics largely corresponds in both substance and wording to the IADR (International Association of Dental Research) Code of Ethics.
The Articles of Association of the German Association for Dental Prevention and Rehabilitation in Elite Sports (Deutsche Gesellschaft für zahnärztliche Prävention und Rehabilitation im Spitzensport e.V.)
Note: The Articles of Association were established on 06/09/2013, with amendments made on 27/04/2014
§ 1 Name, headquarters, registration, fiscal year
(1) The Association is named: Deutsche Gesellschaft für zahnärztliche Prävention und Rehabilitation im Spitzensport e.V. (DGzPRsport) (The German Association for Dental Prevention and Rehabilitation in Elite Sports)
(2) It is headquartered in Goettingen
(3) It was entered into the register of associations under UR 348/ 2013 and AZ VR 201660 on 17/12/2013.
(4) Fiscal year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose of the Association
(I) The Purpose of the Association is
The Association is a voluntary association of all healthcare professions involved in oral and perioral medicine for the representation, promotion and protection of scientific, professional, economic and other common interests. The Association (hereinafter referred to as DGzPRsport) serves the following purposes:
(1) Consideration of the connections between health and functioning in medical and dental treatments, while in particular also considering retaining or improving performance in elite sports.
(2) Interdisciplinary networking of all specialist disciplines relating to dentistry and orthodontics as well as other healthcare professions in the area of oral and perioral medicine through the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary application of performance-related parameters in elite sports in conjunction with aspects that are functional but also retain or sustainably enhance performance.
(3) Implementation of treatment parameters in oral and perioral medicine and dentistry that retain or enhance performance as an integral part of the treatment of dental, oral, jaw and facial diseases, of retaining the health of elite athletes, as well as establishing appropriate, sustainable care and therapy concepts while considering compliance with national and international anti-doping regulations.
(4) Promotion of treatment measures and concepts that retain or enhance performance, in the medical and dental treatment of elite athletes, while considering their specific needs.
(5) Representation and dissemination of this knowledge in the area of treatment concepts and measures that retain or enhance performance, both in Germany and abroad. To achieve this, the Association can establish national and international cooperation and association agreements.
(6) Supporting scientific work relating to dental care and therapy concepts that retain or enhance performance, as well as implementing corresponding results in practice.
(7) Fostering the training and further development of dentists, dental technicians and other associated health professionals with regards to the importance of dental aspects in elite sports that retain or enhance performance.
(8) Acting as a link between colleges, practices, dental laboratories and other affected institutions and companies that are active in the field of healthcare in the context of sports.
(9) Cooperating with other associations, consortia, societies and institutions in healthcare and sports that pursue similar goals, both in Germany and abroad.
(10) The Association can award prizes for outstanding scientific work as well as for therapeutic success in elite sports.
(11) To achieve its Purposes, the Association can establish, acquire or hold interests in federations, private-law companies or legal entities.
(II) Measures to ensure fulfillment of the Purpose
The fulfillment of the Purposes (work) defined in § 2 is ensured in particular by the following measures:
(1) Holding at least one annual conference.
(2) Organizing and implementing training and continuing professional development and education events.
(3) Establishing a science fund to fund projects.
(4) Forming working groups for specific fields.
(5) Encouraging and supporting scientific work, particularly within application-based research in clinics and practices.
(6) Knowledge-sharing at events via electronic media, print media, lectures and so on.
(7) Adhesion to associations that serve the Purposes of DGzPRsport and promote the exchange of knowledge.
§ 3 Altruism
DGzPRsport pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “Tax-advantaged purposes” of the German fiscal code.
The Association is altruistic; pursuing financial gain is not its primary purpose.
The Association’s funds may only be used for the defined Purposes. Members do not receive any allowances from the Association’s funds in their capacity as members.
No person may be favored by expenditures that are not in line with the Purposes of the corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 4 Membership
(1) DGzPRsport has full, associate, corresponding, sponsoring and honorary members.
Associate, corresponding and sponsoring members have no right to vote or stand in elections.
For full members, there is a difference between active and passive members;
(2) A full member can be any dentist licensed to practice in Germany, any dental technician active in Germany or any other person with a professional license to practice in a role that aligns with the Purposes of the Association.
The Executive Board decides on the admission or rejection of a full member.
(3) The prerequisite for acquiring full membership is written application, which should be directed to the Executive Board.
Attach the specialist state vocational permit or the certificate of professional training to the letter.
(4) Those trained abroad can be full members if their professional training is equivalent to the German system.
The Executive Board decides on recognition on behalf of the Association.
(5) Active member status can apply to each full member if the following conditions are fulfilled:
The application for nomination as an active member must be directed to the Board. As part of the application the applicant’s special experience of providing dental care to elite athletes in the field of oral and/or perioral medicine must be presented. To do so, the applicant must present their work philosophy to the Executive Board, along with two patient case studies and certification of further education, in accordance with the certification procedure. The Board may decide to appoint the applicant as an active member. Being granted active membership assumes participation in a DGzPRsport conference at least every two years.
Withdrawal of active membership is also decided by the Executive Board. Any currently held, active membership status continues in accordance with the current Articles of Association.
(6) Persons in Germany and abroad can be appointed as corresponding members based on their special merits in the subject area. The Executive Board decides on the admission or rejection of a corresponding member.
(7) Following the decision of the Board, persons in Germany and abroad can be named by the President as honorary members if they have made particularly important contributions to the promotion of prevention and rehabilitation in dentistry for elite athletes. Proposals may be submitted to the Executive Board by any full member. The decision to award honorary membership requires a 3/4 majority of the Executive Board.
(8) Any student of dentistry enrolled at a German university, any trainee dental technician in Germany, as well as any person in training within a related health profession or association may become an associate member of DGzPRsport, should they be interested in DGzPRsport’s objectives.
(9) Any healthcare institution, any medical or dental professional association or any public corporation that is interested in the aspects of dentistry involving the objectives of maintaining or improving performance can become an associate member of DGzPRsport.
(10) Foreign dentists and dental technicians can also be accepted as associate members, even if the conditions laid down in paragraphs 2 and/or 4 are not met. Following the decision of a General Assembly, DGzPRsport can form subgroups to include these members.
(11) The Executive Board decides with a simple majority, on its sole discretion, whether to accept an application for membership.
The decision does not require justification and the applicant will be notified of the result in writing. In the event of a decision rejecting an application for full membership, the Executive Board can indicate the reasoning behind this.
However, there is no binding obligation for the Board to do so. A repeat application for membership may be made after 12 months, at the earliest.
(12) Any person or legal entity that actively supports the work of the Association or makes financial contributions can become a supporting member.
Membership is terminated:
(1) Membership is terminated through death, expulsion, removal from the list of members or resignation from DGzPRsport.
(2) Resignation is undertaken via a written statement to the Executive Board. Resignation can only be declared for the end of a fiscal year, whereby a notice period of three months must be adhered to. It is still obligatory to contribute fees for the current calendar year.
(3) Any resignation for cause is effective immediately and is implemented through removal from the list of members.
(4) Removal from the list of members.
Based on a decision of the Executive Board, a member can be removed from the list if, despite two written reminders, payment of membership fees is still overdue (apportionments or fines). The first reminder is permitted one month after becoming due.
The second reminder is to be sent three months later by “registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt”. The letter must mention imminent removal from the list. The removal may only be decided if following the period of two months from the date of receipt of the second reminder, the debt has not been fully repaid. Removal from the list is to be communicated to the person concerned.
(5) Expulsion from DGzPRsport. A member can be expelled from the Association in the event of a culpable serious breach of its interests, in particular against the objectives set out in the Articles of Association. Any member can put forward a proposal for expulsion. The Executive Board shall decide on this proposal, with a 2/3 majority required. The member must be given the opportunity to state their opinion, either orally or in writing, before any decision is taken. The decision shall be justified in writing and sent to the member. The member can appeal the decision to the Board within one month of receiving the decision from the Executive Board. The next members’ General Assembly decides on the matter of expulsion.
(6) Membership shall cease if a member loses their professional license to practice.
(7) Membership shall cease if a member loses their rights as a citizen.
§ 5 Contributions
Members pay fees in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly.
A simple majority of the members present and entitled to vote in the General Assembly determines the amount to be contributed and when it is is due.
§ 6 Bodies of DGzPRsport
The Association’s bodies are
a) The Executive Board
b) The General Assembly
§ 7 The Executive Board
(I) In general
(1) These are: the President, the Vice President of Dental Technology, the Secretary General, the Vice President of Finance, the Vice President of Science and the Vice President of Continuing Professional Development and International Contacts. Given the medical nature of the Association, majority involvement of three licensed dentists is required, including the President. The Vice President of Dental Technology must always be a dental technician. Only full members of the Association can be selected as members of the Executive Board.
(2) The members of the Executive Board are elected from the full and honorary members in separate ballots.
(3) The term of office for members of the Executive Board is 4 years.
Re-election is permitted.
(4) If a member of the Executive Board resigns before the end of the term of office, the next General Assembly elects a new member of the Board.
The term of office for the member resigning shall expire on the date stated by the member. Until an election is held, the Executive Board may provisionally appoint another person to undertake the corresponding tasks.
(5) The Executive Board has a business office.
(6) If necessary, departments can be established.
The departments work on specialist proposals for decisions of the Executive Board. The head of the department is appointed by the Executive Board.
(7) The former president will be invited to all sessions of the Executive Board in an advisory function. By a decision of the Executive Board, with a ¾ majority, a President can be appointed Honorary President after completing their term in office. The Honorary President has the status of an honorary member and the right to participate in Board meetings. The Honorary President has the right to vote at the meetings.
(8) When membership in the Association is terminated, so does the office of a member of the Executive Board.
(9) The Executive Board can establish its own rules of procedure.
(II) Responsibilities/functions of the Executive Board
(1) The entire Executive Board is responsible for the management of the Association and conducting its business. It shall perform the administrative tasks which are not expressly assigned to another body of the Association by these Articles of Association.
(2) The Executive Board’s sphere of activity includes, in particular:
a. The decision as to whether an Extraordinary General Meeting should be convened.
b. The preparation and convening of a General Assembly and the drafting of the agenda, and if applicable, its amendment.
c. The preparation of the annual report.
d. The examination of the legal existence of the resolutions of the General Assembly as well as execution of the decisions.
e. The accounts, proper management and use of the Association’s assets.
f. The organization of scientific events and training.
g. The establishment of departments, regional associations or other subgroups.
h. The appointment of a scientific advisor or advisory board.
i. The admission, removal and expulsion of members.
j. The employment and dismissal of Association employees as well as their supervision.
(3) The Executive Board within the meaning of § 26 of the German Civil Code consists of the President and the Vice President of Finance.
(4) In legal matters, DGzPRsport is represented by the President and the Vice President of Finance, who are authorized to represent the Association and can conclude legal transactions with binding effect for the Association. The Executive Board may set up committees or appoint additional contributors to carry out certain tasks.
(III) Meetings and resolutions of the Executive Board
(1) The Executive Board holds board meetings at least twice a year.
(2) The Executive Board has a quorum if all members are invited and at least three members, including the President or Vice President of Dental Technology, are present. Invitation can be made electronically by the President or, in their absence, by the Vice President of Dental Technology. It is not necessary to announce an agenda when convening the Executive Board.
(3) The Executive Board decides with a simple majority of votes. In the event of an equal number of votes, the President or the person chairing the meeting holds the casting vote. A Board meeting is not required if all Executive Board members agree to a proposal or decision in writing or electronically.
(4) The decisions taken in meetings are to be recorded in the minutes and signed by the President or Vice President of Dental Technology.
The minutes must include:
The time and place of the meeting, the names of participants and the chairperson, any excuses for absences, any decisions made and the majority ratios achieved (yes and no votes, abstentions).
Written agreements to a decision are to be kept in the appendix with the minutes.
§ 8 General Assembly
(I) Duties and powers
In particular, the General Assembly is responsible for the following matters:
(1) Acceptance of the President’s annual report and the accounts of the Secretary General, the Head of Finance and the auditor report.
(2) Granting or refusing to grant approval to the Executive Board.
(3) Election and dismissal of the members of the Board.
(4) Approval of the budget proposal for the following fiscal year.
(5) Election of the auditors.
(6) Resolution on amendments to the Articles of Association, including the Purpose of the Association, as well as the Association’s dissolution.
(7) Deciding on emergency motions.
(8) Approval of the budget plan for the following fiscal year.
(9) Determination of membership fees and, if applicable, the apportionments and amount of cost rates for expense allowances and travel expenses.
(II) Ordinary General Assembly
(1) At least one Ordinary General Assembly must be held each year. It is usually held as part of the annual congress.
(2) The Executive Board is the convening body
and sets the agenda. The President is responsible for the convocation, or, if he or she is unable to do so, the Vice President of Finance.
(3) Each member must be invited to the Ordinary General Assembly at least four weeks in advance, in writing; it is sufficient for the invitation to be sent before this deadline.
(4) Each invitation must include a full agenda.
(5) Each member may request an amendment to the agenda from the convening body in writing no later than two weeks before the General Assembly. Such a request shall be complied with at the due discretion of the convening body. The request must, however, be complied with if it is supported by one quarter of the Association’s members. The chairperson of the meeting must announce the amendment at the beginning of the General Assembly; motions to amend the agenda may be made at the meeting as urgent motions to be substantiated. However, this requires a 2/3 majority.
(6) The General Assembly is not open to the public.
The chairperson is responsible for taking decisions on whether to admit guests.
(7) Minutes are to be kept about the results of the General Assembly. These minutes must be signed by the chairperson and the secretary. The minutes must include:
The time and place of the meeting, the name of the chairperson of the meeting, the number of members present, the ascertainment that the meeting was convened in accordance with the Articles of Association and that a quorum was present,
the agenda, the applications lodged, the results of votes (number of yes votes, number of no votes, abstentions and invalid votes), the method of voting as well as any challenges to the decisions taken. A request to amend the Articles of Association or to change the Purpose of the Association is to be recorded literally in the minutes.
(8) Full and honorary members have voting rights in the General Assembly.
Only members present can vote.
(III) Decision-making in the General Assembly
(1) The General Assembly shall be chaired by the President or, in their absence, by the Vice President of Finance or another member of the Board. If no Board member is present, the meeting will elect a chairperson. When there is an election, an election officer may become the chairperson for the duration of the ballot and the preceding discussion.
(2) Elections to the Executive Board are generally held by secret ballot. Other decisions made by the General Assembly are taken in open elections.
(3) The vote must be undertaken in writing if a third of the members present request this. Any duly convened General Assembly shall constitute a quorum, without taking into account the number of members present that are entitled to vote.
(4) The members of the General Meeting generally adopt resolutions with a simple majority of valid votes cast; abstentions are regarded as absent members. Each full member has one vote. However, a majority of 9/10 of the valid votes cast is required to amend the Articles of Association and a majority of 9/10 is required to dissolve the Association and to change its Purpose.
(5) Motions relating to the rules of procedure must be voted on immediately. The chairperson can permit others to speak up against matters prior to the vote.
(6) Minutes shall be taken of any resolutions made by the General Assembly and shall be made available to the members. The minutes are signed by the chairperson of the meeting and the secretary.
(IV) Extraordinary General Assembly
An Extraordinary General Assembly must be convened:
(1) If the Executive Board decides to do so.
To this end, the Executive Board is obliged, if the wellbeing of the Association requires it, to submit particularly urgent items for discussion and resolution by the General Assembly.
(2) If the convocation is demanded in writing of the Executive Board by 1/4 of the ordinary members, indicating the purpose and reason for doing so.
This does not trigger a limitation of the power of representation of the Executive Board.
The General Assembly also decides on e.g.:
a) Fee exemptions,
b) The Association’s tasks,
c) Purchase and sale, as well as encumbrances of, real estate
d) Interests in companies,
e) Taking out of loans greater than EUR €1000,
f) Approval of all rules of procedure for the Association,
g) Member fees,
h) Amendments to the Articles of Association,
i) Dissolution of the Association.
(3) Every General Assembly convened in accordance with the Articles of Association is recognized as quorate, regardless of the number of members present. Each member has one vote.
(4) The General Assembly shall adopt its resolutions with a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, a motion is deemed rejected.
§ 9 Amendment to the Articles of Association
(1) For amendments to the Articles of Association, a 9/10 majority of the members present is required.
Amendments to the Articles of Association can only be voted on in the General Assembly if this item on the agenda was already mentioned in the invitation to the General Assembly and both the previous and the planned new text of the Articles of Association have been attached to the invitation.
(2) Amendments of the Articles of Association that are required by regulatory, judicial or financial authorities for formal reasons can be adopted by the Executive Board of its own accord.
These amendments to the Articles of Association must be communicated in writing to all members as soon as possible.
§ 10 Certification of decisions
Decisions made in Board meetings and General Assemblies are to be recorded in writing and to be signed by the chairperson and the secretary.
§ 11 Business premises
(1) The Association has business premises.
A Head of the Business Premises is assigned to manage it and to lead any business relating to it.
The Association can appoint a Managing Director, who has the legal status of a special representative (besonderer Vertreter) according to § 30 of the German Civil Code (BGB).
(2) The Association can appoint a Legal Counsel.
(3) The Head of the Business Premises and, if necessary, a Managing Director are appointed by the President at the Board’s request. The Managing Director is invited to all meetings of the Executive Board and all General Assemblies. The tasks of the Head of the Business Premises, the Managing Director and the Legal Counsel are subject to a special contract of services.
§ 12 Subgroups
(1) To further the Purposes of the Association, the Executive Board can establish subgroups, such as e.g., regional associations, departments, working committees or an advisory board. These subgroups are not independent associations (selbständige Vereine) within the meaning of section § 21 et seq. of the German Civil Code (BGB).
(2) The subgroups hold an advisory capacity and should enable the Executive Board to be supported by persons of specific expertise in fulfilling their tasks. In justified cases, a subgroup can also include non-members.
(3) The chairperson of a subgroup is nominated by the Executive Board. The sub-group procedural rules require written approval from the Executive Board to be effective.
(4) The subgroups’ role is to further special DGzPRsport interests in specific areas within the framework of the Articles of Association and the general guidelines of the Association as a whole, as well as to represent its interests in relation to others. The representatives will report to the Executive Board on the progress of their work on an ongoing basis. Members of the Executive Board can participate in all subgroup meetings; they are to be kept informed of any regional association meetings by their respective representatives in a timely manner.
(5) Subgroups can act for the Purpose of the Association according to its Articles of Association on their own initiative, but are subject to the authority of the Association Board. It is not permitted for regional associations to form their own Articles of Association.
The Board can dissolve subgroups at any time.
§ 13 Membership fees
(1) On admitted to the Association, members pay an annual fee. To finance special projects or to alleviate financial difficulties of the Association, apportionments may be charged.
(2) The fee fixed by the General Assembly is due on January 1st each year.
(3) Honorary members, corresponding members and retired members are exempt from the obligation to pay fees and apportionments.
(4) Students, dental assistants and trainees pay one fifth of the annual fee. For extraordinary and sponsoring members, the General Assembly can determine specific fees in accordance with § 4, para. 9 and para. 12.
(5) In special cases, the Executive Board may exempt or defer fees, contributions and apportionments for individual members, either in full or in part.
(6) When being admitted in the first half of the calendar year, new contributory members pay the full annual contribution and half when being admitted in the second half of the calendar year.
(7) The fees and any surpluses shall only be used for purposes in line with the Articles of Association. Members do not receive any profits and, in their capacity as members, they do not receive any allowances from the Association’s funds. In individual cases, the Executive Board retains the right to reimburse proven expenses for Association activities.
(8) No person may benefit from administrative spending which is not in line with the Purposes of the Association.
(9) Payment is to be made by direct debit mandate.
If a direct debit mandate is not possible, then other methods of payment are to be permitted, in which case the Association may levy handling fees, the amount of which can be determined by the Board.
§ 14 Fiscal year
(1) All DGzPRsport revenue and expenditure must be estimated for each fiscal year and used in a budget created by the Executive Board.
(2) The fiscal year is the calendar year.
§ 15 The auditor
DGzPRsport must record its revenue and expenditure on an ongoing basis and allow it to be checked for correctness by the elected auditor once a year.
§ 16 Dissolution of DGzPRsport
(1) The dissolution of DGzPRsport can only be decided at a General Assembly with a 9/10 majority of voting members present.
(2) If the General Assembly does not decide otherwise, the President and the Vice President of Finances are the jointly authorized liquidators.
(3) In the case of dissolution or annulment of the Association or in the case of lapse of tax-deductible purposes, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to a public body that exclusively serves dental research purposes. Decisions made by the General Assembly on the use of the assets are only to be made following the consent of the tax authorities.
(4) The above provisions shall apply correspondingly if the Association is dissolved for another reason or loses its legal capacity.
§ 17 DGzPRsport registration
The first Articles of Association of DGzPRsport were decided by the founding assembly on 06/09/2013 in Witzenhausen and should be subsequently entered into the register of associations at the Goettingen district court. On the occasion of the extraordinary General Assembly on 27/04/2014, the present version was adopted by resolution of the voting members present. These currently valid Articles of Association are to be entered in the register of associations at the Goettingen district court.
Witzenhausen, on 27/04/2014
Certification procedure of DGzPRsport e.V.
Version 25/5/2018
Regulation for obtaining membership and certification as certified experts in the German Association for Dental Prevention and Rehabilitation in Elite Sports (Deutschen Gesellschaft für zahnärztliche Prävention und Rehabilitation im Spitzensport e.V.)
DGzPRsport e.V. is a professional dental society that brings together the work of scientists and experts in the field of sports dentistry, supporting elite athletes. It coordinates specific support matters and organizes and certifies the further professional training of physicians, dentists and physiotherapists.
The aim of the Association is long-term, sustainable performance improvements in elite athletes by means of dental care concepts that maintain and promote good health.
The focus of this lies on measures to prevent inflammation and structural prevention measures for the stomatognathic system, as well as improving the parameters relating to performance of the craniomandibular function complex.
DGzPRsport e.V. sees itself as a place for learning.
Members can be appointed through certification as “Certified experts in dental prevention and rehabilitation in elite sports”, provided they show recognizable interest in actively supporting the aims of DGzPRsport e.V. and demonstrate suitable character and expertise.
Appointment is tied to membership of DGzPRSport.
In the event of withdrawal or resignation, the appointment as “Certified expert in dental prevention and rehabilitation in elite sports” is automatically rendered invalid.
Aim of the certification
The primary aim of certification is to ensure Germany-wide dental care provision for elite athletes, by appropriately certified members/member practices, that apply a focused treatment concept and master the special needs of elite athletes.
By certifying members, DGzPRsport e.V. creates the organizational prerequisites to ensure that its objectives will be implemented in the framework of expert dental care to an assured quality level, demonstrated by scientifically proven methods.
The prerequisites for certification as a “Certified expert in dental prevention and rehabilitation in elite sports” by DGzPRsport e.V.
Becoming a member of DGzPRsport e.V.
There is a difference between applicants, members, certified members, corresponding members, supporting members and scientific advisors.
A. Applicant status:
Any student of dentistry, dentist or physician, or member of a medical profession may apply, provided they are willing to support the objectives of DGzPRsport. Those who are students or undergoing training hold free member status until completion of vocational training or until a license to practice medicine has been acquired. They pay no or reduced membership fees. By means of clinical traineeships in the certified practices, applicants are able to get insights into the work and the care concepts of DGzPRsport e.V. After acquiring a license to practice medicine or once vocational training is complete, this should be reported to the Executive Board. The Executive Board confirms the change from free membership to contributory membership.
B. Applicant status (prospective entitlement to membership status):
The applicant remains in applicant status until written confirmation is sent by the Executive Board
C. Changing applicant status to member status
After receiving the written request for admittance to DGzPRsport (application), the application is reviewed by the Executive Board and provided there are no major, reasonable arguments to the contrary, it will be approved.
The member now admitted must pay the one-off admission fee and the annual membership fee into DGzPRsport’s account. The membership is only valid after the admission fee and the annual membership fee have been received.
D. Certified member of DGzPRsport e.V.
Members can be declared “Certified experts in dental prevention and rehabilitation in elite sports”.
The following are prerequisites for certification as a “Certified expert in dental prevention and rehabilitation in elite sports”:
A 12-month membership, with member status, in DGzPRsport e.V.
Participating in at least 2 continuing professional development events held by DGzPRsport e.V.
Passing a written certification exam.
Giving a lecture (for more details, see below) or successful participation in a further education series recognized by the IASD (Int. Association of Sports Dentistry) in the form of a curriculum with final exam.
Proof of a suitable, cause-oriented preventive approach.
To obtain the designation “Certified expert in dental prevention and rehabilitation in elite sports”, the member must have held member status of DGzPRsport e.V. for at least 12 months. The member must undergo a written certification exam and demonstrate that a cause-oriented preventive approach has been implemented in their practice.
The questions in the written certification exam are composed by the certification committee, together with the designated scientific advisors. The topics should be based on current medical knowledge and concepts. The scientific opinions of the respective professional associations of DGzMK are the point of reference when answering the questions. They cover areas such as periodontics, traumatology, endodontics, implantology, dental prosthetics and interdisciplinary topics. The written examination is considered a ‘pass’ when the result is at least ‘satisfactory’. In the event of failure, the written examination can be re-taken within 12 months. The date for re-examination is to be coordinated with the certification committee.
Each candidate must demonstrate a cause-oriented, certified preventive approach. Proof is to be provided in the form of documentation of 20 patient case studies through follow-up of a suitable inflammation index. The follow-up checks should document the initial state, the first follow-up should take place after 3 weeks and the second follow-up should take place at the earliest 3 months following the 2nd follow-up.
The data is to be presented clearly in table form.
Patient names are to be kept anonymous, using the initial letters of the first and last name.
The aim of the lecture is to present oneself to the members on a professional level. The topic should relate to the aims and interests of the Association. However, only current, scientifically recognized and evidenced topics should be considered. Candidates can present (their own) scientific studies as well as treatment case studies. The treatment case studies should demonstrate and make clearly visible the expertise and the practical approach of the candidate.
If there are reasonable, well-founded doubts about the suitability of the applicant in terms of expertise or character, members are obliged to express this immediately.
Guidelines for case study presentations:
The presentation should include at least 3 treatment case studies.
Each case should shed light on a different aspect.
The presentation must not exceed 30 minutes.
The case studies must present the initial situation, the end result and at least one follow-up after 6 months.
5. Each case study presented includes:
– the medical history, periodontal findings, X-ray findings, (periapical and bite wing),
– the specific diagnosis (tooth-by-tooth),
– Treatment planning and
– Photographic documentation of the main clinical treatment steps carried out by the candidate of their own accord.
6. The clinical images should show the surrounding soft tissue clearly.
7. The procedures shown should, where possible, be supported by references and be substantiated by good background knowledge and understanding of the relevant literature.
8. The cases presented should represent the candidate’s daily practice.
Self-promotion or exaggeration should be avoided.
9. When presenting, an appropriate appearance is important. Clear respect for the audience must be shown.
At the end of the lecture in the practice and after successfully passing the written examination, the candidate can be confirmed as a certified member of DGzPRsport by the fellow certified members present.
Until the General Assembly unilaterally confirms the change of status from member to certified member, member status with prospective entitlement to certified member status remains in place.
Duration of validity of certification and renewal
Certification is valid for 6 years. Then it must be formally renewed. There are 2 versions:
The certified member provides at least five new, well-documented treatment case studies on elite athletes.
The certified member can demonstrate participating in at least 8 of the Association’s team training events within 6 years. The certified member should attend at least one team training event per year.
In both versions, the certification committee shall decide on renewal/prolongation of certification.
If the certification committee comes to the decision that, after 6 years, the certified member no longer fulfills the above criteria, the certification is automatically invalidated. The member concerned is to be informed of this invalidation in writing. From this day on, this person is no longer entitled to use the certificate (“appointed as a Certified expert in dental prevention and rehabilitation in elite sports”) in any form or to describe him or herself as such.
Due to their special importance, certified members should behave responsibly toward applicants, candidates and members, as well as those not within the Association. In terms of public image, the certified member should also be aware of their special position as a representative of DGzPRsport e.V. Should a member/certified member cause serious damage to or jeopardize the reputation of DGzPRsport e.V. through their behavior and/or professional activity, the Executive Board can vote on the removal of the member from DGzPRsport with simple majority of the votes, in order to prevent further damage to DGzPRsport e.V.
E. Corresponding member:
Corresponding members can be people from other medical fields (sports physicians, orthopedists, physiotherapists etc.), who have acquired special merit in the Association’s field of activity. A separate entrance examination is not required,
although giving a lecture would be desirable. However, endorsement by unanimous vote at the General Assembly is required.
F. Supporting member
A supporting member can be any person or entity.
However, supporting members do not have any decision-making or voting powers. The Association’s rules regulate their admission.
G. Scientific advisors
Habilitated medical and dental professionals can be appointed as scientific advisors if they have gained outstanding knowledge in their respective fields of expertise and are practicing research or teaching assignments at a university.
Amendment to the updated certification procedure of DGzPRsport from October 2nd, 2016.
The amendment was made in the context of majority vote by a General Assembly on 25/05/2018 in Freiburg i.Br. and confirmed by the Board, replacing the version from October 2nd, 2016.
Become a member
If you already provide support to elite athletes and want to further improve your support concepts and therapies, for the good of your patients…
If you are enthusiastic about sports and an active supporter…
If you can identify with the goals of DGzPRsport…
Then become a member!
Benefit from a network of experienced colleagues who are already successfully implementing our concepts in elite-level sports. You’ll be part of a learning community, tapping into a fascinating new field.
As a member of DGzPRsport, you can also become a member of the International Association of Sports Dentistry. This is a growing international network of highly active national associations in the sector of sports dentistry.
Your advantages at a glance:
- Share expertise
- Learn support concepts for elite athletes
- Benefit from continuing professional development by means of courses and symposiums
- Research
- Consult a high-caliber scientific advisory board
- Enjoy our download portal for publications and academic works
- Use our screening app
- Receive our newsletter – always stay up-to-date
- Be part of a wider team – support DGzPRsport projects
Support sports dentistry and DGzPRsport. Or why not just enjoy the exciting combination of dentistry and elite sports?
We look forward to meeting you!
This is how to become a member of DGzPRsport e.V.
There are many ways to become a member of the German Association for Dental Prevention and Rehabilitation in Elite Sports:
1. Visit one of our training events
Our team training events are usually free of charge. They’re an ideal way to get to know us.
Find upcoming dates here. (Link to events)
Speak to the team training organizer who will provide you with everything you need to take your first steps to becoming a member.
2. Send us an email
Get in touch via info@dgzprsport.de. We’ll process your request quickly and efficiently. We will then make sure you receive the required documentation.
3. Download the membership application form
It’s easy to download our form, fill it in at home and then send it by email to m.kummer@dgzprsport.de.
Of course, you can also send us a letter. Please address it to:
Vorstand Mitgliederverwaltung DGzPRsport e.V.
- H. Maximilian Kummer
Katharinenstraße 23
04109 Leipzig, Germany
TheDGzPRsport welcomes student members!
DGzPRsport has launched a student program. We want to inspire young students of dentistry to discover the sports dentistry sector.
With this in mind, we’re increasing our presence and the activities we host at German universities.
Why not become a member? The benefits are clear.
Send an email to Info@dgzprsport.de.
Then we’ll take care of the rest.
And we’ve saved the best for last: Students pay no membership fees with us!
Why not connect sports and your studies?
Your future is the Champions League!
top athletes
Successful care.
News from the DGZPRsport
Berlin – VBG Symposium on High-Performance Sports
Frank Saathoff2020-09-10T21:23:40+00:00September 10th, 2020|0 Comments
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On DGzPRsport – TALK … Dr. Helge Riepenhof
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Interdisciplinary Symposium on SPORTS DENTISTRY
Frank Saathoff2020-08-05T20:44:54+00:00August 5th, 2020|0 Comments
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Coming soon