Prof. Meyer-Marcotty will tackle questions regarding the influence of dysgnathia on performance in elite sports. This interesting field within sports dentistry has not yet been explored. As a result, there are many new questions. DGzPRsport welcomes this ambitious athlete, colleague and esteemed university teacher to its ranks.
About the expert: Prof. Dr. Meyer-Marcotty, born in 1975, studied dentistry at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Until being appointed in Goettingen, he had been working at the Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg since 2005. From 2007, he first of all worked as a senior orthodontist, then as head of the orthodontic section of an interdisciplinary center for craniofacial malformations, and then most recently as lead senior orthodontist at the orthodontic polyclinic.
His work in Goettingen focuses on orthodontic care for adults with bites that have been weakened by periodontosis, as well as on therapy for pronounced jaw misalignments. In his research, the new director focuses on the use of innovative 3D imaging and the development of new orthodontic treatment strategies for people of all ages.
Meyer-Marcotty has received multiple awards for his research. Among others, he was awarded a prize by the European Federation of Orthodontics and is a certified member of the German Board of Orthodontics. In 2011, the German Society of Orthodontics recognized his work with the Arnold Biber prize.
Source: Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (umg)