Project Description

Main career steps
- 1990-1998 Research assistant (C 1) in the Department of Oral Surgery and the Dental Polyclinic of the University of Giessen/Germany
- 1991 Doctorate
- 1992 Received the specialization title “oral surgery” in Germany
- 1999 Habilitation
- 1999 Appointment as Adj. Professor
- 1999-2001 Senior surgeon at the Clinic for Oral Surgery and Stomatology at the University of Bern/Switzerland
- Since 2001 Senior consultant and deputy of the clinic head of the Clinic for Oral Surgery, Radiology, Dentistry and Orthodontics at the University of Basel/Switzerland
- 2001 Specialization in oral surgery in Switzerland
- 2005 Appointed professor at the University of Basel
- 2006 Founded the dental trauma center of the University of Basel
- 2007 President of the Swiss Society for Oral Surgery and Stomatology SSOS
- UZB-Universitätszahnkliniken / Zahnunfallzentrum
Hebelstrasse 3
4056 Basel
Phone: 0041-61 2672610/-25